10 Seeds
This is one of the world's most splendid flowers. One of the most brilliant flowers with mass displaying in a bright red cone shape. Simply breathtaking.
The Red Torch Ginger, is native to South East Asia. The torchs themselves have a large reddish head. The flower is about 25 cm across and is borne on a 1.5 meter leafless stem that arises straight out of the ground. Has a smooth textured, broad, dark green leaves. Its inflorescence makes like the Red Torch Ginger a good cut flower. Very easy to grow.
Hardiness zones 9-11, (5ºC/40ºF, -5ºC/25ºF) in Winter.
Best grown in full sun and needs warmth and well drained conditions.
Requires consistently moist soil; do not let dry out between waterings.
Water freely and feed monthly in growing season. It should be planted in a rich soil high in organic matter.
Can grow indoors with artificial light.
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