Crimson watermelon is known for it’s very high sugar content and a deep ruby crimson flesh. Having round fruits 20-25lbs with light and dark green striping. With meaty hearts and few small seeds makes this variety easier to eat. In 1964 this juicy watermelon was an AAS winner and has been a favorite ever since. 85 Days
Direct seed plant 3 seeds every 12″ along the intended row .
Recommended only for USDA zone 7 or warmer. Sow inside 4-6 weeks before last frost. If direct seeding in garden. 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost, when temperatures are warm.
When to harvest
Bottom of the melon where it lies on the soil turns from light green to a yellowish in color. Curly tendrils on stem near the point of attachment turns brown .
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